
Empowering Researchers: New Features for Enhanced Control in Qualitative Analysis

Published: 27 days ago, by Alok Jain

At Reveal, we believe in putting the power back in the hands of researchers. That's why we're thrilled to announce two groundbreaking features that enhance your control over the qualitative synthesis process. With the ability to specify a persona for Reveal’s analysis and choose from multiple analysis frameworks, you can now ensure that the insights generated are not only relevant but also scientifically rigorous.

1. Define Your Researcher Persona

One of the exciting new features allows you to specify the persona that Reveal should adopt when conducting the synthesis. By defining a persona, you can influence the context and perspective from which the insights are generated.

For example:

  • Healthcare Perspective: Specify "An experienced user researcher who has deep knowledge of the healthcare industry" to ensure that the analysis reflects the nuances and complexities of healthcare research.
  • Business-Oriented Perspective: Opt for "A business-oriented user researcher who understands SaaS" to receive insights tailored to the dynamics of software-as-a-service markets.

This customization enables Reveal’s AI to keep your specific context in mind, delivering more relevant and applicable insights tailored to your needs.

2. Select Analysis Frameworks

The second feature allows you to specify one or more analysis frameworks, such as Grounded Theory or Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA). By selecting these frameworks, you provide a structured approach to synthesis, ensuring that the analysis aligns with established research methodologies.

  • Scientific Rigor: This feature enhances the scientific basis of your qualitative research, as it encourages the AI to adopt a more systematic approach to synthesizing insights.
  • Broader Coverage: Specifying multiple frameworks allows for broader coverage and deeper analysis, making it easier to address complex research questions from various angles.

Why This Matters

Most, if not all, AI-based synthesis solutions rely on black-box analysis, limiting researchers' ability to customize their insights. These new features allow you to specify the analysis frameworks based on the domain and type of research, providing greater control over the output.

By tailoring the persona and the analytical framework, researchers can ensure that the insights generated are not only relevant but also grounded in scientific methods, leading to more robust conclusions.


Want to see these features in action? Check out our quick demo here:

With these new features, Reveal empowers researchers by providing them with enhanced control over their qualitative analysis. By specifying the persona and selecting analysis frameworks, you can ensure that the insights generated are tailored to your specific context and grounded in rigorous methodologies.

Ready to take control of your qualitative research? Log in to your Reveal account today to start using these innovative features and elevate your analysis to new heights. If you’re new to Reveal, sign up for a demo and discover how our platform can transform your research process.